A3 architecture

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Thhe A3 architecture is one of the possible Assotink architectures.

The A3 architecture divides the Assothink work in 3 layers

  • computing layer (running the EPM)
  • a visualisation layer (a GWT client front-end)
  • a intermediary dispatching client (running EPM controllers and GWT server side)

Computing EPM layer

This layer runs the Assothink Excitation Propagation Model (EPM), or Assothink active Jelly, or Assothink brain.

Only concepts, links, signals.

Load links data from a data server.

Runs autonomously, saving state .

A brain uses a brain slot: a host/port combination.

Many brains run at the same time in a network, or even on a machine.

Suggested hardware

  • standard PC
  • mainly accessible trough network (remote shells)
  • with Linux OS and JVM (installed by myself)
  • with strong processor (fast) and gigabit ethernet!
  • 4 Gb RAM, USB port, small HD, simple graphic controller
  • compact
  • without (no need) CD/DVD, advanced graphic, monitor, keyboard, mouse...

Server layer

This layer controls, starts, stops the brains ; sends them signal input ; receives their state (excitation levels, stats)

One server per network.

Includes a socket server for the brain(s).

Includes a socket server for the monitor server side.

Suggested hardware

Same as computing layer

Visualisation layer

This is a GWT front-end client applic running in modern browsers.

One server occurence.

Many clients.

No specific hardware needed.

The client is similar to the client in the basic architecture.